This is the pier for the car and passenger ferry from Brensholmen to Botnhamn. This connection between Tromsø and Senja is only active in the summer time. Check the ferry timetable if this route is active. You do not have to make a reservation before hand, you buy your ticket on the ferry or pay with AUTOPASS - it will be deducted from your parking deposit. Be early on weekends due high traffic by locals.
This is the pier for the car and passenger ferry from Brensholmen to Botnhamn. This connection between Tromsø and Senja is only active in the summer time. Check the ferry timetable if this route is active. You do not have to make a reservation before hand, you buy your ticket on the ferry or pay with AUTOPASS - it will be deducted from your parking deposit. Be early on weekends due high traffic by locals.
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Ferry is not running today, reportedly neither yesterday. Bad service due to technical problems.2019-06-21 - 21.06.2019
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