This wild camp spot is located on a tiny peninsula in the Gratangen Fjord. Drive down carefully the bumpy dirt road to the camp spot. We never managed to stay a night at this place. Always some other camper have been first, but I guess that confirms, it is a good spot for camping. The place offers a great view over the Fjord into the mountains. Small hills are sheltering against wind and noise from the road. You will find also a fireplace and wood to burn.
This wild camp spot is located on a tiny peninsula in the Gratangen Fjord. Drive down carefully the bumpy dirt road to the camp spot. We never managed to stay a night at this place. Always some other camper have been first, but I guess that confirms, it is a good spot for camping. The place offers a great view over the Fjord into the mountains. Small hills are sheltering against wind and noise from the road. You will find also a fireplace and wood to burn.
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We were alone! Probably due to the rainy weather.Nice little beach, picnic table. Really nice place to rest.
Alex - 17.07.2022
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