Never thought to add a church in this guide, but what would be a Norway visit without having seen a stave church. This one is a beauty and the largest of Norways 28 stave churches. It was build in 1200 A.D. and is still use for weddings and other occasion. The smell of the old wood gives you a great impression of material and age. You can also have a look into church, tickets are sold in the cafe near by.
Never thought to add a church in this guide, but what would be a Norway visit without having seen a stave church. This one is a beauty and the largest of Norways 28 stave churches. It was build in 1200 A.D. and is still use for weddings and other occasion. The smell of the old wood gives you a great impression of material and age. You can also have a look into church, tickets are sold in the cafe near by.
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