Wild camp spot with great access to the Fjord straight off the highway, but easy to drive past and miss. 4G WiFi and full reception coverage, if that matters. A river from a nearby waterfall constantly roars. Mountains all around to walk through. Plenty of room for a dog on a loooong leash. There is some firewood here but best to bring some dry wood with you for easy burning and a relaxing fire. Swim if you dare. Otherwise relax and enjoy a beer at the fire. (Arctic Campers staff & dog suggestion)
Wild camp spot with great access to the Fjord straight off the highway, but easy to drive past and miss. 4G WiFi and full reception coverage, if that matters. A river from a nearby waterfall constantly roars. Mountains all around to walk through. Plenty of room for a dog on a loooong leash. There is some firewood here but best to bring some dry wood with you for easy burning and a relaxing fire. Swim if you dare. Otherwise relax and enjoy a beer at the fire. (Arctic Campers staff & dog suggestion)
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